

Whether in the Mental Health field, or Health Care fields in general, many practitioners are prone to:

  • Burn-out
  • Feelings of depletion and mental-emotional exhaustion
  • Compassion fatigue
  • Inability to let go of the problems of clients/patients following individual sessions or at the end of a long day
  • Feelings of emotional overwhelm and overload
  • Counter-transference issues creating over-identification with the problems and issues of clients/patients; this can lead to a lack of mental-emotional clarity causing the practitioner to lose therapeutic perspective

All this can affect a health care practitioner or therapist’s overall sense of well-being, mental-emotional clarity, and physical vitality and health over time.

Additionally, it has been shown that the internal state of the therapist or health care practitioner directly affects both the healing outcome for the client/patient, and the internal state of the client/patient. The more grounded and balanced (self-regulated) a practitioner is, the better the healing outcome for the client/patient.

Benefits obtained through practicing the exercises presented in David Router’s workshop include:

  • Stronger, more intact energy field/container of self for the therapist/health care practitioner
  • Stronger boundaries in general between therapist/health care practitioner and client/patient
  • Less fatigue and feelings of depletion and burn-out
  • Greater mental-emotional coherence and clarity
  • Increased adaptation resources and stress resilience
  • Improved nervous system self-regulation
  • Stronger connection to intuition and internal wisdom
  • Grounding, centering and internal connection
  • Increased flow between internal knowing and external action and communication
  • Increased self-awareness and distinction between self and other
  • Greater Psycho-Emotional balance and stability
    • Subconscious clearing and increased conscious balance
      • The clearer our field, the less “stuff” there is that subconsciously affects perceptions, understanding of client issues, therapeutic choices and communication
      • This translates into less tendency for counter transference in the therapeutic milieu, and less propensity to take on the stuff of others and carry it home
    • More energy freed up for day to day functioning, both mental-emotionally and physically
      • More vital energy available at the end of a busy day or week
      • Stronger “immune system”, both physically and psycho-emotionally
    • Greater ability for the practitioner to be fully present and available when working with a client or patient
    • Less internal noise or mental chatter, enabling the therapist/practitioner to listen on all levels to the client or patient, and as a result, pick up micro-cues that might otherwise be missed
    • Greater healing potential and outcomes for the client/patient, who consciously and non-consciously benefits from all the above